Free Flaps


Free flap surgery is an advanced reconstructive technique used for treating severe diabetic wounds. This procedure involves transferring tissue, along with its blood vessels, from one part of the body to another, ensuring an adequate blood supply to the affected area. At Surat Diabetic Foot Care, we utilize free flap surgery to enhance wound healing and restore functionality.

Signs & Symptoms

  • Extensive tissue loss or damage

  • Non-healing wounds with exposed structures

  • Persistent infection or necrosis

  • Wounds that have failed to heal with other treatments

When to Consult a Doctor

  • If you have a large, non-healing wound

  • If there is exposed bone, tendon, or other structures

  • If you experience severe infection or necrosis

  • If other treatments have not been effective

Treatment Offered

Free flap surgery involves the transfer of tissue, along with its blood vessels, from a donor site to the wound site. The procedure includes:

  • Preparation of the donor site: Harvesting the flap from a part of the body where the tissue is available.

  • Preparation of the recipient site: Cleaning and preparing the wound area to receive the flap.

  • Microvascular surgery: Connecting the blood vessels of the flap to the blood vessels at the wound site to ensure proper blood flow.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a free flap, and how is it different from other flaps?

A free flap involves transferring tissue along with its blood supply from one part of the body to another, requiring microvascular surgery to reconnect the blood vessels. It differs from local or regional flaps, which do not require reattachment of blood vessels.

Is free flap surgery painful?

The surgery is performed under general anesthesia, so there is no pain during the procedure. Post-operative pain is managed with medication, and discomfort varies depending on the individual and the extent of the surgery.

What is the recovery time for free flap surgery?

Recovery time can vary widely but generally takes several weeks to months, depending on the complexity of the surgery and the patient's overall health.

What are the potential complications of free flap surgery?

Complications can include flap failure, infection, and issues with blood vessel connection. However, these are rare and can be managed with proper medical care.

How successful is free flap surgery in treating diabetic wounds?

Free flap surgery has a high success rate for treating complex wounds.

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