Fungal Nail Correction


Fungal nail infections, also known as onychomycosis, can cause nails to become discolored, thickened, and brittle. These infections are often stubborn and difficult to treat. At Surat Diabetic Foot Care, we offer effective treatments to eliminate fungal infections and restore healthy nails.

Signs & Symptoms

  • Discoloration (white, yellow, or brown) of the nail

  • Thickened or brittle nails

  • Distorted nail shape

  • Crumbling at the edges of the nail

  • Separation of the nail from the nail bed

When to Consult a Doctor

  • Persistent discoloration and thickening of the nails

  • Pain or discomfort

  • If over-the-counter treatments are not effective

  • If you have diabetes or a weakened immune system

Treatment Offered

Our fungal nail correction treatments include:

Topical antifungal medications

Oral antifungal medications

Laser therapy: To effectively target and eliminate the fungal infection

Nail debridement: Removing the infected part of the nail to promote healing

Frequently Asked Questions

What causes fungal nail infections?

Fungal nail infections can be caused by exposure to fungi in damp environments, such as public showers or swimming pools, or from wearing tight shoes that create a moist environment.

How long does it take to treat a fungal nail infection?

Treatment duration varies, but it can take several months to completely eliminate the infection and restore healthy nail growth.

Are fungal nail infections contagious?

Yes, fungal infections can spread from person to person or to other nails.

Can fungal nail infections be prevented?

Keeping your feet clean and dry, wearing breathable shoes, and avoiding walking barefoot in public areas can help prevent fungal nail infections.

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